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File table.html

<html lang=de>
		<title>Table Test Page</title>
		<p>This is an example page with a table with col- and rowspans.</p>
		<table border=1>
				<td width=50>
					<p>1;1 1x1</p>
				<td colspan=2 width=100>
					<p>1;2 1x2</p>
				<td rowspan=3 width=50>
					<p>1;4 3x1</p>
				<td colspan=2 rowspan=2 width=100>
					<p>2;1 2x2</p>
				<td width=50>
					<p>2;3 1x1</p>
				<td width=50>
					<p>3;3 1x1</p>
		<p>This is an empty example table tag</p>
		<table border=1></table>
		<p>This is an example table with an empty row tag.</p>
		<table border=1><tr></tr></table>
		<p>This is an example table with an empty cell tag.</p>
		<table border=1><tr><td> </td></tr></table>
		<p>This is an example table with an empty cell tag and another empty row</p>
		<table border=1><tr><td> </td></tr><tr></tr></table>
		<p>This is the last Paragraph of my test document</p>